Beta Version 0.3.0 Is Here!
Hi everyone,
Hopefully, everyone’s having a good time as the summer starts to wind down. Seriously, we’ve got to enjoy this weather while we still have it.
I’m happy to announce that Far-Out Finley Beta 0.3.0 has come out. This update primarily focused on fixing existing bugs (Many of which were first found in 0.2.2), but there were a couple noticeable changes that were focused on the quality of life as well.
So, let’s go over all of it, shall we?
Far-Out Finley Beta 0.3.0 Patch Notes:
- Fixed small visual glitch that could occur with beach ball explosions when you resume the game.
- Fixed small visual glitch that could occur with the high score crown when you resume the game.
- Fixed an issue where the volume levels in the settings menu could be displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed glitch where a picked up number could stay longer than it should.
- Fixed issue where head start tickets would save incorrectly.
- Slightly adjusted rate at which power ups appear.
- Menu controls now have increased stability.
- Adjusted hitboxes for Caddis.
- Slight optimizations for fade in/fade out effects.
- You can now access the settings menu while the game is paused.
- You can no longer resize the window when it is in full screen. I have learned that doing so could potentially cause the position of entities to shift. I am hoping that resizing can make a more stable return in the future.
- Touchscreen controls have been adjusted to be more comfortable.
- You can now use the on-screen cursor on mobile, provided your device is connected to a viable keyboard or gamepad.
- Occasionally, changing the GUI scale could cause the transition effects’ position to be skewed. This has been adjusted to eliminate the off chance this could happen.
- Minor adjustments made to better suit ultrawide monitors.
In other news, Far-Out Finley has been submitted for approval to Google Play, and should be available in the coming weeks! I am also looking into how to bring Finley over to Apple’s App Store, so stay tuned, mobile gamers!
Also, going forward, some updates will focus on more than bug fixes and quality of life improvements. I have a long list of remaining features to add before the final release of this game, and could not be more excited for every last one of them!
So, if you’re bored with just bug fixes, stick around for updates that add new features to spice up the gameplay. They’re coming soon, and I think they’ll be worth your while.
Thanks for staying tuned in, playing, and giving feedback! I hope you all have a blast with version 0.3.0 and beyond!
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Far-Out Finley
Play a game how it counts!
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